LADWP PPQ 2024 Schedule – Everything You Need To Know!

I found the LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule incredibly helpful for planning my energy needs. Being aware of the key meeting dates has made it easier for me to stay informed about changes that might affect my utility bills.

The LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule is a plan for when the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power will review its energy purchasing. It includes regular meetings held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. These meetings focus on energy contracts, strategies, and rate changes.

Stay tuned as we keep you updated on the LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule. We’ll bring you the latest on key meeting dates and important decisions. Don’t miss out on essential updates about energy procurement and rate adjustments.

What is the LADWP PPQ Schedule?

The Power Purchasing Quarterly (PPQ) schedule is a framework established by LADWP to manage and review its energy procurement strategies regularly. This schedule outlines the dates for key meetings and deadlines related to power purchasing decisions, including contract negotiations, rate adjustments, and strategy reviews.

Importance of the PPQ Schedule:

The PPQ schedule is crucial for several reasons:

  • Transparency: It provides a clear timetable for when decisions will be made, ensuring that the process is open and accessible to the public.
  • Accountability: Regular meetings and reviews hold the LADWP accountable for its energy procurement strategies and decisions.
  • Planning: For stakeholders and industry analysts, the schedule aids in planning and forecasting energy market trends.

Key Dates And Meetings In The LADWP PPQ 2024 Schedule:

Quarterly Review Cycles:

The LADWP PPQ schedule is divided into quarterly review cycles. Each quarter involves a series of meetings and deadlines that focus on various aspects of power purchasing, including:

  • Energy Procurement Strategies: Assessing and adjusting strategies to meet the city’s energy demands.
  • Contract Negotiations: Reviewing and finalizing agreements with energy suppliers.
  • Rate Adjustments: Evaluating and implementing changes to energy rates based on market conditions and operational costs.

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Board Meeting Schedule:

LADWP board meetings, which are integral to the PPQ schedule, are held twice a month:

  • Second Tuesday of Each Month: Focuses on ongoing power purchasing agreements and related discussions.
  • Fourth Tuesday of Each Month: Dedicated to new proposals, strategy adjustments, and comprehensive reviews.

These meetings are scheduled for 10:00 AM and are open to the public. Agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance, providing insight into the topics that will be discussed.

Detailed Analysis Of The PPQ 2024 Schedule – You Must Read!

January To March 2024:

  • January: The first quarter begins with a review of annual energy procurement strategies. Discussions often include preliminary adjustments based on the previous year’s performance and upcoming energy needs.
  • February: Focus shifts to contract renewals and new agreements. Stakeholders can expect discussions on long-term energy contracts and potential rate changes.
  • March: A comprehensive review of the quarter’s procurement outcomes and adjustments. This meeting will also set the stage for Q2 planning.

April To June 2024:

  • April: Evaluation of the impact of recent energy contracts and adjustments. This meeting often includes detailed reports on energy consumption trends and market conditions.
  • May: New procurement strategies and potential adjustments are discussed. This month may also involve preliminary planning for summer energy demands.
  • June: Mid-year review of procurement strategies and rate adjustments. This meeting assesses performance and makes necessary modifications for the second half of the year.

July To September 2024:

  • July: Focuses on summer energy demand and strategies to manage peak loads. Discussions may include temporary adjustments to procurement strategies.
  • August: Review of energy supply and demand trends from the summer months. This meeting often involves adjustments to procurement strategies based on recent performance.
  • September: Preparation for the final quarter’s procurement activities. This includes setting goals and strategies for the upcoming months.

October To December 2024:

  • October: Final quarter review and adjustments based on previous performance. This meeting also involves planning for the next fiscal year.
  • November: Detailed discussions on year-end procurement outcomes and rate adjustments. This meeting often includes forecasting for the upcoming year.
  • December: Final review of the year’s performance and preparation for the annual report. This meeting provides a comprehensive overview of the year’s procurement activities.

How Does The LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule Impact Energy Procurement Decisions?

The LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule directly impacts energy procurement decisions by setting clear dates for when key meetings occur. These meetings focus on reviewing and adjusting energy strategies, negotiating contracts, and making rate changes. By following this schedule, LADWP can effectively manage energy supply and costs, ensuring they meet the city’s needs. 

It helps them stay organized and transparent, making sure that decisions are well-timed and informed by the latest data. For residents and businesses, this means more predictable energy rates and reliable service.

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FAQs About LADWP PPQ 2024 Schedule:

How often does the LADWP review its power purchasing strategies? 

The LADWP reviews its power purchasing strategies every quarter. These reviews allow the department to assess the effectiveness of current strategies and make necessary adjustments. Quarterly evaluations ensure that energy procurement aligns with changing market conditions and city needs.

Where can I find the agenda for LADWP meetings? 

Agendas for LADWP meetings are posted publicly at least 72 hours before the meeting starts. You can find these agendas on the LADWP website or by visiting their offices. Reviewing the agenda helps you understand what will be discussed and prepare any questions or comments you might have.

What topics are covered in the PPQ meetings? 

PPQ meetings cover various topics such as energy procurement strategies, new and existing contract negotiations, and potential rate adjustments. These meetings also review the department’s performance and plan for future energy needs. 

How does the PPQ schedule affect energy rates? 

The PPQ schedule impacts energy rates by setting dates for reviewing and potentially adjusting them. During these meetings, LADWP evaluates current rates against market conditions and operational costs. This ensures that rates remain fair and reflect the true cost of energy procurement.

Can the public attend LADWP board meetings? 

Yes, LADWP board meetings are open to the public, allowing anyone to attend and observe the proceedings. This transparency ensures that the decision-making process is accessible and inclusive. Attending meetings or reviewing their minutes helps you stay informed about how energy decisions are made.

How do I provide feedback on LADWP’s procurement decisions? 

You can provide feedback by attending public meetings or submitting comments through LADWP’s official communication channels. Engaging in these ways allows you to voice your opinions and influence energy procurement decisions. 

What happens during the quarterly reviews? 

During quarterly reviews, LADWP assesses the performance of its energy procurement strategies, discusses any necessary adjustments, and plans for future needs. These reviews are crucial for adapting to changes in the energy market and ensuring that procurement strategies are effective. 

How are changes to energy contracts handled? 

Changes to energy contracts are discussed and approved during the PPQ meetings. These changes might include contract renewals, new agreements, or modifications to existing contracts. The meetings ensure that all contract changes are made transparently and align with LADWP’s energy goals.


The LADWP PPQ 2024 schedule is essential for understanding how the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power manages its energy procurement throughout the year. By attending meetings and staying updated on key dates, you can better anticipate changes in energy rates and strategies. 

This schedule ensures transparency and helps keep energy management effective and responsive. Staying informed about the PPQ schedule allows you to engage more effectively with energy decisions that impact your community.

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