What Is Not True About DOD Travel Policy – Know the Facts to Avoid Mistakes!

I thought I could use the DoD Travel Policy for my family’s vacation, but I needed to be corrected! I learned it’s only for official business travel, not personal trips. Now I know to always check the policy before booking travel to avoid any issues.

DOD’s travel policy applies to military personnel, civilian employees, contractors, and other authorized travelers. It’s not limited to domestic travel but also covers international trips and requires booking through authorized channels, not personal websites. 

Stay tuned with us as we debunk common myths about DOD travel policy. We’ll explore what’s not true and clarify the facts, ensuring you understand the policy and how it affects your travels. Don’t miss our in-depth guide to maximizing your official travels.

What is the DOD Travel Policy? – Travel Rules & Regulations!

The DoD Travel Policy is a set of guidelines that govern official travel for Department of Defense (DoD) personnel, including military members, civilians, and contractors. The policy ensures that travel is conducted safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively while complying with federal regulations. 

It covers various aspects of travel, including transportation, lodging, meals, and expenses. The policy minimizes costs and maximizes productivity while providing travelers with a comfortable and convenient experience. 

By following the DoD Travel Policy, travelers can help the department save resources and achieve its mission. The policy is regularly updated to reflect changes in regulations, technology, and travel industry practices, ensuring that DoD travelers have a smooth and successful journey.

What types of travel are covered by the DoD Travel Policy? – Know Your Options!

  1. Military Members: The DoD Travel Policy applies to all military members, including active duty, Reserve, and National Guard personnel. This includes cadets and midshipmen, as well as military academy students.
  1. Civilian Employees: The policy applies to all civilian employees of the Department of Defense, including non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees. This includes employees of DoD contractors and subcontractors.
  1. Contractors: The policy applies to all contractors and subcontractors working for the DoD, including prime contractors and subcontractors. This includes individuals working on a contract basis.
  1. Non-DoD Personnel: The policy applies to all non-DoD personnel traveling on official business with the DoD, including federal employees and foreign nationals. This includes individuals traveling with the DoD on official business.
  1. Travelers on Official Business: The policy applies to all travelers on official business, including those on temporary duty (TDY) assignments, permanent change of station (PCS) moves, and official travel for training, conferences, and meetings. This includes individuals traveling for official purposes.

Common Myths & Realities About the DoD Travel Policy – Discover the Truth!

1. Myth: DoD Travel Policy only applies to military personnel:

Reality: DoD Travel Policy applies to all authorized travelers, including civilians, contractors, and non-DoD personnel traveling on official business. All travelers must follow policy guidelines. This ensures consistency and compliance across the department.

2. Myth: DoD Travel Policy is only for domestic travel:

Reality: DoD Travel Policy covers domestic and international travel, including official business trips to foreign countries and territories. Travelers must follow policy guidelines for all official travel, regardless of destination. This ensures safety and security for all travelers.

3. Myth: Personal expenses are reimbursable under the DoD Travel Policy:

Reality: Only official expenses that follow policy guidelines are reimbursable, while personal expenses, like souvenirs, are not reimbursed by the DoD. Travelers must keep records of official costs for reimbursement. This prevents the unauthorized use of government funds.

4. Myth: Travelers can book travel through any website or agency:

Reality: Travelers must use authorized travel agencies or the Defense Travel System (DTS) to book official travel, including flights, lodging, and rental cars. The DoD does not allow the use of unauthorized agencies or websites. This ensures compliance with policy guidelines and prevents fraud.

5. Myth: Travelers can stay in any accommodation they choose:

Reality: Travelers must stay in authorized lodging facilities that meet DoD standards, including hotels, motels, and other approved accommodations for official travel. Unauthorized lodging, like vacation rentals, is not allowed by the DoD. This ensures safety and security for all travelers.

6. Myth: Rental cars are authorized for personal use:

Reality: Rental cars are only authorized for official business, like traveling between meetings or to official events, not personal use. Travelers must follow policy guidelines for rental car use. This prevents the unauthorized use of government funds.

7. Myth: Travelers can extend their trip for personal reasons without approval:

Reality: Travelers must obtain approval from their supervisor for any extensions or changes to their official travel, including personal reasons. Unauthorized extensions or changes are not allowed by the DoD. This ensures that travel is only for official business.

7. Myth: DoD Travel Policy only applies to official travel:

Reality: DoD Travel Policy only applies to official travel, not personal travel or leisure activities, like vacations or personal trips. Travelers must follow policy guidelines for official travel only. This prevents the unauthorized use of government funds.

8. Myth: All travel expenses are reimbursable under the DoD Travel Policy:

Reality: Only official expenses that follow policy guidelines are reimbursable, while unauthorized expenses, like personal phone calls, are not reimbursed by the DoD. Travelers must keep records of official costs for reimbursement. This prevents the unauthorized use of government funds.

Is travel insurance required for official travel? – Lets See!

No, travel insurance is not required for official travel, but it is highly recommended. Travel insurance can provide protection against unexpected events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost or stolen luggage. It can also assist with travel-related issues like flight delays and cancellations. 

Travel insurance lets travelers minimize financial risk and ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. Some credit cards and home insurance policies may already include travel insurance, so it’s worth checking before purchasing a separate policy.

Are foreign travel expenses reimbursable under the DoD Travel Policy?

Yes, foreign travel expenses are reimbursable under the DoD Travel Policy. Travelers on official business can be reimbursed for expenses such as transportation, lodging, meals, and incidentals while traveling overseas. Reimbursement rates vary by country and are based on established rates set by the Department of State. 

Travelers must follow established procedures and submit required documentation to receive reimbursement. Additionally, some expenses may require special approval or justification, so travelers should familiarise themselves with the policy and consult their supervisor or travel office as needed.


1. Can travelers stay in luxury accommodations?

No, travelers cannot stay in luxury accommodations under the DoD Travel Policy. The policy requires travelers to stay in economy-class accommodations that meet DoD standards to ensure efficient use of government funds.

2. Are meals and incidentals included in the daily allowance?

Yes, meals and incidentals are included in the daily allowance under the DoD Travel Policy. The daily allowance, also known as per diem, covers the cost of meals, incidentals, and lodging and is based on the location and duration of the trip.

3. What is the Defense Travel System (DTS)?

The Defense Travel System (DTS) is a web-based application that manages and processes travel itineraries, authorizations, and vouchers for Department of Defense (DoD) personnel. DTS streamlines the travel process, making it easier for travelers to plan, book, and account for their official travel expenses.

4. Can I use the DOD travel policy for family vacations?

No, the DoD Travel Policy is only for official government travel and cannot be used for family vacations or personal trips. The policy is intended to support military and civilian personnel on official business, not for leisure travel or personal expenses.

In A Nutshell:

The DoD Travel Policy applies to military personnel, civilians, and contractors as well. It covers domestic and international travel, and travelers must use authorized booking channels, not personal websites. 

Personal expenses are not reimbursable, and only official costs are covered.

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